Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Instructional writing- How to become a famous youtuber

How to become a famous Youtuber

Do you want to become a famous Youtuber , but you don’t have any viewers? Well now you can get viewers with these easy and simple steps.

1) Make money.
This is so you can buy the equipment needed to have a successful Youtube channel.
Eg. you could do chores or do jobs for your neighbours. You will need a good computer, mouse and keyboard and power.

2) Think of what you’re going to record.
Come up with what you are going  to record on our computer like gameplay.
You could vlog or screen record what you are playing.

3) Downloading.
Download a good screen recorder I would recommend you download a editing software to maximise video potential too.
Screencastify it’s free and it has no maximum record time.

4) Recording
turn on your screen recorder and start playing when you are finished stop recording a good recording is a 10-20 minute recording and I would recommend you edit it, it just makes it better.
You just started a game so you are going to turn on your screen recorder and record your gameplay.

5) Editing
Insert your video into the editing software and cut out the parts that you don’t need and edit in music if you want to drown out your voice.
You just finished recording your video and you don’t want them to hear your  voice so you’re going to edit in music.

When you have finished editing your video, save it then go to your youtube channel and go into the upload section then drag the video file to the drag here button and watch it upload.
You just finished editing your video now you are going to upload it so you drag it to the upload button then watch it upload.

After you do all these simple steps you will be good to go I hope this youtube guide helped you, watch your viewers skyrocket up. goodbye.


  1. You chose a great topic for this writing Kahi and managed to come up with clear steps in this process. Your paragraphs need a little expanding but you have done well independently in the time you had. Keep up the awesome writing effort and I look forward to reading more of your blog posts throughout the year! Miss J

  2. WOW Kahikatea thanks for the guidance. Your six step process unpacked some key information for me as you see I have never used Youtube to upload anything that I created. Thanks for recommending screencastify. I like that it is free! I'll have to go and search for some editing software. Your blog has elevated my curiosity about creating something to share on youtube. Thank you
